Adrianne Curry is a very talented actress.In this Post you can find her full detailed biography and Images.Her birth name is Adrianne Marie Curry.Her date of birth is 6 August 1982.Her birth place is Joliet,lllinois,USA.She is the residence of USA.Her height is 5'10".She is a beautiful Actress.Today we have uploaded her huband,wedding and some hot photos of beach.He has a lot of favorite TV shows but "Buffy the Vampire Slyer" is her favorite show.Her eyes are green.She loved to hear music of Led Zeppelin,The Doors,Pink Floyd,Jefferson Airplane and Jimi Hendrix also.She was ranked at number 100 in Maxim's hot in 2005.Her favorite movie The Lord of the Rings-The Fellowship of the Ring.She is the Daughter-in-law of Edward knight.
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